Bettergist Collective

Destiny Windows: Taking The Leap

Ambience: How Far I’ll Go - Voctave a capella cover

In my lifetime, I’ve been present when numerous people, including myself, have been given opportunities to, metaphorically and somewhat literally, launch themselves into a higher purpose – what I call “destiny windows”, which are best described as doors of opportunity that require making a rather radical leap, that only stay open for a very brief time, usually measured in hours or days, but hardly never weeks or months.

Unfortunately, while I’ve taken the overwhelming majority of these destiny windows, virtually everyone who’s been placed in my life and given these windows has not taken them. Indeed, for whatever reason, people are directed into my life right on the cusp of transformation. And I’ve seen failure to launch quite a bit.

Demotivational Landmines

Here are the major landmines to avoid:

On the dark side of the door, you’ll hear words like “obligation, duty, irresponsible, don’t throw away your life”; on the light side, you’ll hear “We love you just the way you are! You’re working too hard! It’s too dangerous!” The System can work very hard via those we have closest to us, particularly when we start actually re-aligning with the Universe and taking off the human shackles.

Overcoming the dark side of negative past reinforcements involves relinquishing that side of your identity that you “can’t” do anything. It’s needing to channel the 10 year-old you who still believed in the possible. What Jesus called, “having the mind of a child.” It also requires believing that “this time will be different”, continuously, even insanely, in the eyes of everyone else. The average entrepreneur strikes out 5+ times, so don’t get discouraged. You have to keep consistently picking yourself up.

What Happens Next

It seems for some special people, including you, a Higher Power is orchestrating a bridge to your higher life purpose *right now*. It’s so tangible that you can literally psychically feel it. Can’t you?

What you’re feeling is your personal rocket ship being fueled, and you’re strapping yourself into the cockpit, just waiting for Mission Control to give you the 10 minute countdown to launch. In fact, since early December, that countdown has already started, the prelaunch checklist is being gone through, you can feel your “phase shift” to low Earth orbit is imminent…

You have to start asking yourself right now, how many of your close family and friends have ever been in this metaphorical low-Earth orbit or higher, themselves. Truth is, lots of people have trouble even piloting their own aircraft (almost always because of fear). Launching can be quite lonely, especially in the relative cold and quiet of outerspace. But it is so worth it! And eventually, you’ll find others who already have experience in outer space, even people who can help you get there. If you follow your synchronicities, you’ll be led to them. Watch.

spaceshift at launchpad

Failure To Launch

While Hollywood and our culture in general does a pretty good job of documenting what it’s like to actually take The Leap into the Hero’s Journey, it hardly never addresses what most people do. I can’t readily think of a single example, actually.

When people do start taking The Leap, for some, they are shown glimpses of a powerful future, many times by their guides. And it scares the bejesus out of them!  At our core, I don’t think many of us really want to be a hero. I step up when I must but I don’t relish jumping into a burning building, but I will do what needs to be done. The same fears, even bigger, confront us all if we catch a glimpse, even subconsciously, of a much bigger story arc for our own lives. I speak from experience.

The best time to abort is while your spacecraft is still on the ground. You can usually keep going on in your comfortable rut and only suffer knowing that you were given a chance for greatness and turned it down. Heck, worse things happen all the time. In a short while, most people will just simply wash it away with that most terrible of truisms: I guess it just wasn’t meant to be… No, bullshit! Destiny is what you choose to make with it. NOTHING will happen without the required blood, sweat and tear equity.

The worst time to abort is any time after the engines have started lifting your spacecraft. Unfortunately, Fate rarely provides us glimpses or even opportunities to a much greater destiny before this moment. If you are already scared or running into other personal blockers, it is usually already too late to safely abort.

As I have witnessed many times, what tends to happen is that when a person pulls back from the Leap Trajectory, their spacecraft inevitably falls back down to the ground, usually with catastrophic consequences for their future destiny. It is said we are given anywhere between 1 and 5 chances for any particular Destiny Window. After that, it seems that we have strayed too far from our Optimal Path and a new one has to be rearchitected by higher powers, and that takes time. How much time is impossible to say, but what I do know is that many people in my life who have willfully aborted their launches into their destiny rarely feel like that they are back on track even 10 years later.

For all intents and purposes, the negative effects of aborting your Destiny Leap that’s already in progress is the equivalent of tossing a spiritual grenade in your life. Many times, I’ve seen people’s lives completely crash and burn, they usually lose one or more of their closest and highest vibe friendships, and many of the negative consequences they were afraid of in the first place seem to happen anyway. Best case, a sense of existential failure tends to hit them like crashing a car into a cement wall at 40 miles per hour. Not deadly, but man, does it hurt!!

crashed spacecraft

Final Thoughts

Having an outsized destiny isn’t for everyone. And no matter how much Hollywood and our culture romanticizes it, taking The Leap is fraught with landmines of destroyed social bonds, stable careers, and especiality normality itself. In a word, it’s scary. While Taking The Leap is undoubtedly a frightful venture, I assure you that it is worth it! Both for you personally and the world as a whole.

When Fate opens a Destiny Window for you, don’t delay, don’t even think about it too hard. Pray hard, and go with your gut. As Yoda said, “Act with instinct.”

Just remember, from a negative effect standpoint, it’s better to go all the way into low-Earth orbit than to abort at the beginning or especially half way. Either shoot for the Moon or don’t board the spaceship.

Either way, May The Force be with you!